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A Comprehensive Guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Its Impact on Business Growth

Table of content
2.What is Net Promoter Score (NPS) ?
3.Calculating NPS
4. Why NPS matters


In a world where 89% of businesses compete primarily on customer experience, standing out from the crowd requires more than just offering quality products or services. It demands a deep understanding of what makes your customers tick, what keeps them coming back, and what might drive them away.

 Enter the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric that has not only emerged as a global standard but has also been linked to over 20% growth in customer retention for companies like HubSpot. According to Bain & Company, companies with the highest NPS scores grow at more than twice the rate of their competitors. So, what exactly is this powerful metric, and how can you leverage it to catapult your business to new heights? This article delves into the intricacies of NPS, unravelling its calculation, significance, and why it’s an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s fiercely competitive landscape.

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

NPS is a metric that gauges overall customer satisfaction and loyalty to a company or product. It’s calculated by asking customers to rate how likely they are to recommend a product, service, or organisation on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being “not at all likely” and 10 being “extremely likely”.

Customers’ responses are then categorised into three groups:

  • Promoters (score of 9 or 10): These are your most satisfied customers with the highest chance of recommending your services to others.
  • Passives (score of 7 or 8): This group is relatively satisfied but can be swayed to a competitor based on factors like price, new features, customer service, etc.
  • Detractors (score of 0 to 6): These customers are less likely to promote your brand and may even discourage others from engaging with it.

How is NPS Calculated?

Calculating NPS is a straightforward process. It involves subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. Here’s a step-by-step example:

  • Collect Responses: Gather responses to the NPS question from your customers.
  • Calculate Percentages: Determine the percentage of Promoters and Detractors using the formula: (\text{# of Promoters or Detractors} / \text{# of respondents}) \times 100\%.
  • Calculate NPS: Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

For example, if you have 80 Promoters, 30 Passives, and 40 Detractors out of 150 responses, your NPS would be



Why Does NPS Matter?

NPS is more than just a number; it’s a reflection of your customers’ perception and loyalty. Here’s why it’s essential:

  • Growth Indicator: Companies with the highest NPS scores tend to grow at more than twice the rate of their competitors.
  • Benchmarking: NPS allows you to compare your satisfaction levels to industry averages and competitors.
  • Improvement Insights: Analysing responses, especially from Detractors, can help identify areas for improvement.
  • Predicting Revenue Growth: NPS can be used to track customer loyalty and predict future revenue growth.


The Net Promoter Score is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty. By understanding and effectively utilizing this metric, businesses can foster growth, enhance customer experience, and stay ahead in the competitive market.

With a range of scores from -100 to 100, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what constitutes a “good” NPS. It varies depending on factors like industry and company size. Therefore, benchmarking your score against competitors and industry standards is vital to truly understand where you stand.

In a world where customer experience is king, the Net Promoter Score serves as a royal standard. Embrace it, analyse it, and let it guide your path to success.


Hubspot ,Surveymonkey

FAQ Section 

How can I use NPS to improve customer experience?

NPS can be used to improve customer experience by collecting feedback from customers and analyzing their responses. By identifying areas for improvement and addressing customer pain points, businesses can enhance their customer experience and increase customer loyalty. 

What are some best practices for using NPS?

Some best practices for using NPS include focusing on recency in selecting your customer list, keeping the survey short and to the point, and using a follow-up process to close the loop with customers. It’s also important to analyze responses, especially from Detractors, to identify areas for improvement. 

How can I ensure a high response rate for my NPS survey?

To ensure a high response rate for your NPS survey, you can set clear goals and stay relevant, be clear on what customers can expect, and monitor and update your survey regularly. It’s also important to keep the survey short, be mobile-friendly, and send reminder emails. 

How can I use NPS to predict revenue growth?

NPS can be used to predict revenue growth by tracking customer loyalty and satisfaction over time. Research has found that companies with higher NPS scores tend to grow at more than twice the rate of their competitors. By improving NPS scores, businesses can increase customer retention and drive revenue growth. 

What are some common mistakes in deploying NPS?

Some common mistakes in deploying NPS include asking the wrong question, focusing solely on the score, failing to segment the data, ignoring Detractors, and not following up with customers. It’s important to use NPS as part of a broader customer experience strategy and to avoid relying solely on NPS to measure customer satisfaction. 

Table of Contents

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Rishi Sagar

Hey there! I'm Rishi, a passionate content marketer with 2 years of experience in crafting compelling content. I thrive on the power of words and the art of storytelling, using my expertise to create engaging narratives that captivate audiences.

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Unified View​

Data Integration empowers companies to improving customer experience and retention. By connecting customer profile and interactions across all touchpoints in different systems, organizations can proactively identify at-risk customers and sell more with intelligent insights aligned to customers interest.

Improved Customer Retention​

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