Coming up next –  Mary Poppen & Sandy Yu  Optimizing B2B SaaS Revenue: Mastering Upselling & Cross-Selling Strategies


Effortless Data Integrations

From Weeks to Minutes - Unleash Customer Insights Faster

Stop Waiting, Start Integrating! Get Started with AppEQ Today

AppEQ MS Dynamics Integration
Zendesk Helpdesk Integration
Mixpanel Integration
Jira Integration
Gmail Inbox
Pendo Integration
Hubspot Integration
Slack Integration 2
Zoho Integration
Freshdesk Integration
Gainsight Integration

Bringing Insights to Where You Need Them

Our platform allows you to conveniently access usage data for easy understanding of your product’s customer engagement, from trends to triggers and all while collaborating with our experts for analysis at every step.

Early insights from usage data help prevent loss and keep your business thriving by avoiding churn while preparing effective product positioning.

Use tools like Mixpanel, Amplitude and Pendo to stay ahead of the game.

Salesforce, Hubspot and more ...

Access CRM data and insights easily

Don’t miss out on the actionable insights CRM can provide. Connect to your CRM quickly and easily with our integrations.

Unlock business potential and drive growth with accessible CRM data for every team.


Activate Spreadsheet Data

  • Don’t let valuable data sit idle in spreadsheets! AppEQ transforms raw data into actionable insights you can use to improve efficiency, boost revenue, and optimize customer experience.
  • Gain a operational edge by leveraging the power of your spreadsheet data with AppEQ.
AppEQ Data Activation
Embedded Analytics


Imagine a world where critical customer health scores from CSP is bubbled up directly in your inbox, calendar and CRM.  AppEQ makes this a reality! Gain instant visibility into customer health across your entire organization.  Customizable widgets showcase key insights and action items right where you work, driving immediate action from your team.  Boost efficiency, make data-driven decisions faster, and ensure customer success – all with real-time customer health data at your fingertips


Support tickets and insights at real time

Stop scrambling for updates! Imagine having all your customer support tickets at your fingertips, in real-time. AppEQ empowers CSMs and AMs with instant access to open issues and requests across all portfolio accounts. This ensures you stay on top of customer needs and issues. The result? Satisfied customers and a smoother customer success journey – all thanks to real-time ticket visibility.

AppEQ Retention Usecase Integrations

Your Ultimate Solution For Revenue Retention and Growth

Find your answers

Have any questions?
Look here

Contact our team using the Demo Request or drop us a email at [email protected]. Our team shall revert back to get more details like the applications you want to integrate and invite you with a link to install our plugin.

Drop an email to [email protected] for a personalized demo and consultation on how activating customer insights can help your team drive more revenue through upsell, cross-sell and retention.

The duration of the onboarding process can range from 1 to 14 days, depending on the number of integrations and the level of customization needed for the executive summary. If a pre-designed template can be used without any modifications, the onboarding can be completed within a shorter timeframe of around 2-3 days.

Absolutely, integration with applications not currently listed on our website is certainly feasible. To initiate this process, we kindly request you to reach out to our team with your specific requirements. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Don't find the answer? Contact us for a query through our chat

Unlock Your Customer Insights Today

Connect with AppEQ's Customer Insights Today

Get started with AppEQ today and begin unlocking a treasure trove of customer insights. With our seamless integrations and easy-to-use platform, you’ll be able to stay on top of customer behavior, reduce churn, and boost revenue. Our unique approach to customer success will enable you to take a proactive stance, ensuring that your clients always feel valued and satisfied.

Follow the link below to schedule a demo or start a free trial today. Get ready to experience the future of customer success!

Happy Team - Customer 360

Customer 360 @ Fingertips

on your existing operational tools

In-app AppEQ Widgets

In-app Widgets

on your existing operational tools