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Challenges using Salesforce CRM for Post-Sales Teams

In the realm of sales, Salesforce has long been celebrated as a cornerstone CRM tool, empowering sales teams with robust features for lead management, pipeline tracking, and deal closure. However, its effectiveness for post-sales teams, particularly in customer success operations, is often marred by significant limitations.

Salesforce for Post Sales Teams like Customer Success Managers

Feedback from Practitioners and Users

Conversations with industry experts like Prakhar, who has practiced CS for about 10 years in established enterprise organizations, shed light on the challenges faced by post-sales teams when leveraging Salesforce. While the platform excels in catering to the needs of sales professionals, its functionalities fall short when it comes to addressing the nuanced requirements of post-sales teams.

No Account Pulse

One glaring limitation lies in the absence of seamless account pulse updates within Salesforce, hindering effective account management and proactive engagement. Without this feature, post-sales teams struggle to stay ahead of potential churn indicators and maintain a pulse on client satisfaction levels.

Data Integration Challenges

Moreover, Salesforce’s lack of integration with other platforms poses a significant hurdle for post-sales teams seeking comprehensive insights into client engagement and product adoption metrics. Manual workarounds become the norm, leading to operational inefficiencies and a disjointed customer experience.

Dashboarding Challenges

Additionally, Salesforce’s reporting and dashboarding capabilities often fail to meet the specific needs of post-sales teams, lacking detailed insights tailored to customer success metrics such as renewal dashboards and EBR trend tracking. As a result, post-sales professionals are left grappling with inadequate data and limited visibility into critical aspects of customer engagement.

In essence, while Salesforce serves as a robust CRM solution for sales teams, its shortcomings become apparent when applied to post-sales functions. Addressing these limitations requires exploring solutions that offer seamless integration, advanced reporting features, and tailored insights designed to enhance the effectiveness of post-sales operations.

While above limitations are inherent, choosing another systems for post-sales teams like Customer Success is fraught with challenges – biggest of them being duplicating system of records across 2 systems for the same customer account and breaking the ability to get true account 360 view across the customer journey of pre sales and post sales.

How can you overcome above challenges by using AppEQ Plugin with Salesforce?

By bridging this gap, organizations can unlock the full potential of their customer success efforts and drive long-term client satisfaction and retention. AppEQ helps by having the comfort of using Salesforce CRM for post sales teams while not compromising on the need for features and dashboarding capabilty requirements specific for customer success and account management teams.

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Picture of Kritika Kishor

Kritika Kishor

Customer Success Strategist | I help SaaS companies achieve exceptional customer satisfaction, customer retention and growth through strategic customer success initiatives.

What is AppEQ? 


AppEQ is a lightweight customer data activation plugin that brings customer data like product usage data/trends right at CSM’s fingertips , on their existing applications like Inbox/CRM /CSP /HelpDesk. We integrate data directly from product analytics like Pendo, Mixpanel, Amplitude and CRM like Salesforce, Hubspot etc. 

Our capability to bring this within your existing applications through our in-app widgets  leads to much higher adoption  and implementation time of 1 week or less

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Every Enterprise requirements are different. Understand how Customer Data and Insights Activation can help drive more revenue through a personalized demo with Shashwat

More Reads

What is Insights & Data Activation?

Insights & Data Activation connects data from various sources and creates a unified profile. It uncovers valuable insights and opportunities in customer interactions through platforms like CRM, helpdesk, CSP, spreadsheets.

AppEQ works seamlessly with your existing operational tools,
so your team doesn't need to learn a new system

Unified View​

Data Integration empowers companies to improving customer experience and retention. By connecting customer profile and interactions across all touchpoints in different systems, organizations can proactively identify at-risk customers and sell more with intelligent insights aligned to customers interest.

Improved Customer Retention​

Deeper customer insights, proactive churn prevention, exceptional experiences for long-term success.

Increased Revenue Opportunities​

Leverage customer data to identify upsell/cross-sell opportunities and maximize revenue growth

Streamlined Workflows

Streamline operations and proactively address customer needs with real-time in-app data insights in existing workflow.

Culture of Data-Driven Decisions

Empower data-driven decisions for customer success with clear customer insights and interactive dashboards.